Category Archives: Italy

mcarthur street: episode two

McArthur Street
Mark Alberto Yoder Nunez

Continued from:

Eventually my brother and I got over the ordeal once the game was done.  Jimmy and John returned to seeming nice again.  To my brother and me at the time it didn’t matter anymore.  We’d made a new friend and got to visit his apple orchard and nice house.  We’d played a game and lost but in the end we were happy.  We’d had fun and it was a good day to us.  I never returned to John’s house but Jimmy and John became the best friends of my brother, Daniel.  My brother and Jimmy returned to John’s house often.  My brother eventually became known for dominating when playing board games.  He read the rules thoroughly before playing any new game and my brothers and sisters and visiting children in our own home were proud of him for his abilities.  I thought of him as the king of playing Monopoly.  He played fairly though.  We had fun trying to beat him.

Once I was standing with Jimmy in his front yard, talking to him.  His little brother, Donnie, ran up to him and started talking to him.  Jimmy started hitting him over the head with a rolled up newspaper.  I watched the expression on Jimmy’s face.  He seemed angry and vicious in the way he looked at his little brother.  Poor Donnie ran away crying.  He ran off with his little brother, Ronnie.  I must admit I did not know what to think.

One Saturday I went with my brother, Jimmy, Jimmy’s mother and Jimmy’s younger brothers to the Tucson public library.  We went into the children’s section to look for books to check out.  I found two books I wanted to read as I usually would at the library.  When Jimmy saw I had two books he asked, “You’re only going to check out two books?”  I noticed then that Jimmy had a big stack of books to check out.  I told him I would only be able to read two books in two weeks otherwise I would have to renew books to be able to finish them.  He took me over to the book shelves and started pulling out books for me to read and stacking them on top of the two books I was holding.  I protested but he would not stop.  I finally got him to stop it when I was holding a stack of seven books.  I was mortified.  Jimmy’s mom seemed to think this was normal.  I only read the two books that I had originally wanted to check out and returned the rest of the books unread.  My brother, Jimmy and Jimmy’s mother would ask me if I wanted to go to the library with them.  They just couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to go to the library with them.

The family with the pretty, teenage girl who lived across the street from Jimmy had moved out.  The house wasn’t vacant for long before a new family moved in.  When we came to visit with Jimmy again he pointed to the house across the street which had a medium high, chain link fence around the front yard and told us to watch out for the boy who lived there because he cussed a lot and was very ba-a-d.  Being from Catholic school my brother and I were sensitive to the fact that some public school kids could be very bad.

To be continued.

The Spider Lady concerne un jeune chauffeur de taxi qui rencontre une femme très étrange et plus âgée. C’est un mémoire sombre.

La Spider Lady riguarda un giovane tassista che incontra una donna molto strana e anziana. È un memoir oscuro.

Sammlung von Gedichten und Kurzgeschichten mit Aphorismen und Humor. Illustrationen und Fotografien des Autors. Zu den Sachbüchern gehören Memoiren und das Schreiben von Träumen. Fiktive Geschichten sind, wie der Autor seine Gefühle ausdrückt, indem er Geschichten in seinem Kopf erfindet. Die Schrift spiegelt den amerikanischen Südwesten des Autors wider. Inspirierend für alle Altersgruppen.

La Dama Araña se refiere a un joven taxista que conoce a una mujer muy extraña y mayor. Es una memoria oscura.